Koh-i-Noor, Mountain of Light Op. 4 from ‘Liber Regalis’
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Koh-i-Noor, Mountain of Light - Excerpt
俄罗斯国家交响乐团 托马斯·桑德林
长笛 I,II
双簧管 I,II
降B调单簧管 I,II
巴松管 I, II
F调圆号 I, II, III, IV
降B调小号 I, II
长号 I, II
低音鼓, 锣, 铃鼓
三角铁, 钟琴, 钹
珠海大剧院 珠海·中国
俄罗斯国家交响乐团 托马斯·桑德林
皇室典籍 is a set of works composed specifically as respectful homage to the British monarchy and to celebrate the United Kingdom’s immensely important cultural and historical legacy. A work in progress, the collection currently consists of three orchestral pieces, Trooping The Colour and Flypast, Royal Lamentation and 《光之山》. The last of these was premiered by the Russian National Orchestra conducted by Thomas Sanderling on 1st January 2017 at the inaugural concerts for the opening of Zhuhai Opera House. the Russian National Orchestra then gave two further performances of 《光之山》 on 2nd January at the Dongguan Grand Theater and 04 January at the Huizhou Centre of Culture and Arts.